I can teach you how to transform your self-defeating thoughts so you can rock YOU. How do you know if you're rockin' YOU? You feel these 8 qualities.
You’ll feel CALM. Acquire inner peace and better self-control, so you can take care of yourself and your kids, without being haunted by unhealthy emotional outbursts.
New-found CURIOSITY about yourself and others. Even when thing go awry, your response is open and curious, "Huh, I wonder why, how curious!"
Empowerment through COMPASSION, open-hearted compassion for yourself and your children.
Unbelievable CLARITY. You’ll learn to listen to your true self and see past the limitations of emotional stuff, so you can reclaim control over your life and parent like a boss.
Feeling CONNECTED. You’ll gain deep understanding of how everything is connected, so your fears and worries can effortlessly melt away.
You’ll become more COURAGEOUS. You’ll learn to let go of self-doubt, even in the areas in your life that feel "too big" to you. You'll be able to sit calmly in your "big feelings," blow ups, and hold crazy ass big space for your children's ebbs and flows.
Uplifting CREATIVITY. You’ll learn to open into your inner genius, and child-like wonder, to find unique ways to have more free time and much more.
CONFIDENCE to be deeply YOU. All the self-doubt melts away. You’ll be able to attract positive people, repel energy vampires and have healthy relationships in general. Boundaries ARE your best friend.
** These 8 C' Qualities from the Internal Family System's model, a trauma-informed evidence based healing practice created by Dr. Richard Schwartz.
In this mindfulness practice, you'll learn to how to:
Live deeply from your Self.
Know if your choices are coming from YOU - or outside of you.
Easily say NO.
Stay centered even when the world around you is chaos (hello Moms!)
Rock YOUR Boundaries!
Get back to CALM when you have monkey mind.
Be the Parent YOU want to be (not a repeat of what you had). To learn about it mindfulness Parenting and healing after childhood neglect/trauma, click here.
And if there's something troubling you but you feel afraid to tap into it (but you also want to...) we'll walk together gently (without feeling blown up). Because this is a deeply personal journey, I offer a free consult to connected and answer any questions. Make some tea and let's talk!